Sunday, May 02, 2010

20100502 Sun

I'm sick today, but I cannot resist pulling out my telescope for a short observation session. Actually, setting up and tearing down everything means 15 minutes to me, so there's no reason not to do so.

Cloud was moving in and out, but after stacking (averaging), they were all gone. Taken at 1519 (GMT+8).

A few days ago my Autostar has some strange characters coming up on the display, feels like Japanese or so... I realized that it could be software issue and then I tried to upgrade the firmware to see if it can fix the problem... after upgrading, no more display, so I guess it's hardware issue.

Anyway, I can still press a few MODE and then press ENTER to enable tracking. That's enough for me, I don't need GOTO for the sun, I just need tracking and simple slewing and it works.

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