Thursday, August 07, 2008

Total Solar Eclipse - 天/Sky

I removed the filter at a very early stage.

More cloud... hope vanished?

No one knows until the last moment!

I dare not to start writing, for I love the memory more than anything else. And I understand that it's simply impossible to have an accurate and complete record of the whole thing. However, I know the early I started my writing, the more accurate and the more informative that I'll be able to write about. I know it's not going to be anything good, I mean the quality of this record, but I will try to do something to keep the memory.

Regarding the sky, it's not a very well defined concept. We're part of the sky but for simplicity, we always said the sky is the region which is inaccessible except by looking up?

Anyway, to get a view of the totality, we will need to find a suitable place on earth. The shadow of the moon covers only a very narrow belt on the earth, and you will also want to be in a place which is free from cloud. Cloud is very dynamic and unpredictable especially when you're talking about a very small area.

During our trip, the first few days were fully covered. We didn't even have a gap. Not even until when we arrived our camping site. But until that night, we have a partially cleared sky, and it's getting much better in the second night. And in the totality morning, it's totally cleared. It was so bad that most of us had given up hope, planned for the worst. Luckily, it seems promising at the latter.

However, such great weather didn't keep on. At around time for the partial eclipse, there were quite a lot of heavy cloud. They're thick and seemed to be infinitely big. Worst yet, they were rolling in!

Just around 2-3 minutes before the totality, or the diamond ring, we got a very big piece of cloud rushing in. And we expected that it's going to cover the tiny solar disc!!! People began to shout, but then we had no hope but to sit and wait. Until the last moment, the solar disc seemed to be covered, but suddenly, we saw the diamond ring hanging right there! We all picked up our binoculars to observe. It got much more silent then.

The view is simply terrific. The longer you stare at it, the more detail it becomes. The detail were so fine that it's hard to imagine. As my eyes got more dark adapted, even more detail came out. This effect is making the whole scene lives! It even looked dynamic!

I pressed the shutter, adjusted the exposure roller, repeat and repeat. I didn't even look at the camera, or the view finder. I just did all these with my trained instinct! I planned to take 3 shots per exposure setting, but I finally did only once or twice each. Anyway.

My eyes didn't leave the binoculars except the very early time of the totality. I guess the binoculars were in front of my eyes after until maybe 3-5 stars appeared around the sun in the dark blue sky! I guess next time I should spend a little bit more time with naked eyes. The view in the binoculars is nice, but then naked eye view is definitely more immensing.


I know how ugly I wrote, but I couldn't... and also dare not to polish it.


這是第一篇, 其實我一點不想下 "筆" 去 "寫"...

親身觀看是最美麗的, 回憶是其次, 相片錄音錄影再次之! 但若不寫下來, 回憶就會慢慢消失, 所以我也只好寫一下!

天... 日全食是天象, 是人間可以看到的最美天象之一.

這樣一個天象, 可觀看的範圍很細少 - 地理上, 你要跑到某條特別的 path, 時間上, 那 time window 實在很短, 遲一點就遲一點, 再也不等人

這 是一個大巧合! 日照總月影蓋掉! 也由於日月的 apparent size 很接近, 那才有日全食. 更妙的, 是因著這個大型 occultation disk, 把平日很低 contrast 的東西顯示出來! 人眼的 dynamic range 很大, 可說是得天獨厚, 甚麼數碼相機, 甚麼高清錄影機, 也不能準確記錄, 唯獨人眼!

所以我說這是一個天人合一的天象, 一點不過份!

更可怕是, 在日全的一殺那, 天可算是突然黑了許多! 人眼需要時間適應, 那麼, 在這短短的全食時刻, 你的眼睛慢慢的適應下來, 可以看到的細節慢慢增多, 這更增加這天象的可觀性! 這是人眼對暗黑環境的一個獨特之處, 也是天人合一

那了天外之天, 近地的天 - 雲層, 也構成了很大的形響...

這次日全食前一兩天, 基本上是密雲的! 但晚上卻會消散一點

直到日全食的那一個早上, 萬里無雲, 叫人無限期待! 但就在這期待的過程之中, 雲就漸漸多了起來! 不禁叫人緊張! 當偏食的那一個時段, 基本上太陽附近是可以的... 但事實上, 人們都知道太陽或會移進一大堆厚雲之中, 而另一堆厚雲亦正飄來!

將近全食的兩分鐘左右, 太陽甚至躲到厚雲之後! 而附近只有一個小雲洞, 那亦是眾人的希望!


好幾天頂著熱天氣, 大家都沒有好好洗澡, 身心疲累... 希望都投影在這小洞!

日全食的那一殺... 礸石環要出現... 似乎還沒有甚麼希望!!!!

突然間, 礸石環出現在眼前!


不錯, 整過過程大家都看見了, 雲也不知往那裡去了!

事後翻看相片, 影片... 其實不是那小洞! 而是那片厚雲消散了!

日食以上還是有雲的, 但基本上不影響整個日食的過程!


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