Monday, August 25, 2014

20140824 宣道園 BB 312 觀星活動

基督少年軍 312 生活營觀星活動

I bought my Nexstar SE mount together with my C5 OTA, I found the 20mm widescan not very nice for beginners, eye positioning is not trivial enough for some of the kids.

We went through some basic knowledge about the sky: constellations, star colors, the concept of light year.

We observed Saturn until it disappears behind a tree, and then we visited M6 and M7.

Time is too limited, but the kids enjoy.

GOTO is accurate, tracking is superb in this kind of situation: queuing and observing.


When I arrived home, I found that the alt arm is getting loose, and to re-tighten it, I just need to remove that little plate where the power socket and the power switch lies in.  Simple and effective.

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