Sunday, January 14, 2007


A very foggy day, transpareny is 1/10, seeing very bad as well. Cloud (thin and thick) floating around, too.

This is the first light of my Borg 45ED II with JMI NGF-S, remote focusing is very convenient and accurate, since I can sit in front of the LCD for everything except the T-max.

I am writing a technical document at the same time (due tomorrow morning), so I should be busy indeed for this section.

Took only a low power surface detail shot, only 200 frames available, also a low power prominence shot, similar number of frames available as well... expect noise and low contrast result.

Images below:-

Experiment was conducted with binoviewer, without 2.5x corrector, it won't come to focus, however, with 2.5x corrector, an extension tube is required. The 0.5x can be used at the same time to reduce the image scale a bit.

Some of the non-solar photographs taken:-

See how worst the observation condition is:-

My new gun, Borg 45ED II with JMI NGF-S:-

Herschel Wedge was used to check focus travel, and it reaches focus without problem, even has more room to space than with my Ranger. No sunspot today, zero chromatic abberation when in focus, can see color limb when out of focus. No bad.

On very careful observation when there's thinner cloud, I could detect a small sunspot. Cloud shows 3D structure when passing through the sun, very impressive, the view is immensive with my 80+ degree Widescan Type III 20mm, cloud could be beautiful, too.

I would say this new Borg 45ED II has a very good focus range, better than the previous one indeed.

Took the camera out again due to the detection of the small sunspot, added that 2.5x corrector with extension tube, center on it and took a shot, definitely not 930 judging from its size, no number can be found on yet.

Image here:-

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