Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ultrawide Lenses

I've three candidates in my mind. Maybe it's time for me to really sit down to list all the respective pros and cons:

1. Canon 10-22mm

- Great performance
- 22mm is long enough to replace the kit lens
- $5xxx HKD new, $4xxx second hand

2. Tokina 11-16mm

- Fast aperture, FAST!
- Great performance
- 16mm not quite enough to replace the kit lens
- $4xxx HKD new

3. Sigma 8-16mm

- Widest among three, WIDE!
- Great performance
- Again not quite enough to replace the kit lens
- $4xxx close to $5000 HKD new

It seems like the verdict is among whether I want it to REPLACE the KIT lens, I want it FAST or I want it WIDE!


Willis Chan said...

I don't recomend the Tokina if u are doing star field. Look at my photos with Tokina 11-16. The corner performance is average.

Oldfield said...

Thank you for your information, maybe we will need to close it down to f/4? But then it losts its advantage.