Saturday, June 18, 2011

Inventory Checking

I did something similar on November 10, 2010.


1. 70mm f=500mm achromatic objective mounted with 77mm thread
2. Tele Vue Ranger
3. Canon 10x30 IS

(1) is for sales at $300 HKD, useful as a great closeup lens for camera lens!

Eyepieces, Barlows and Diagonals:

1. Pentax 40mm SMC XL
2. Tele Vue Nagler 13mm Type 6
3. Tele Vue Powermate 5x and 2x Barlows
4. Japanese Widescan Type III 20mm
5. Japanese Ortho 7mm
6. Tele Vue 1.25" mirror diagonal
7. Chinese 2" mirror diagonal
8. Astrotech 1.25" dielectric diagonal

(8) is for sales, it's very new with box, $500 HKD.


1. Gitzo G106
2. Manfrotto 410
3. Takahashi TG-SP II

Camera and accessories:

1. Lumenera LU070M
2. JMI NGF-CM with Tele Vue Ranger adapter
3. Thousands Oak Type II+ for Ranger

(1) is available for sales, $2700 HKD.

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