Saturday, April 28, 2007

20070428 Solar

Alby's new piano is here, things are all relocated, got a break to shoot.

SM40/BF10, Borg 45ED II, DMK 31AF03, platform plate used, 2x barlows (closeup), 2.5x corrector with extension tube (mosaic), poor seeing (2/10) and transparency (2/10):

1416, full disc shot:-

1417, full disc shot, colorized:-

1420, close up of AR953 (2x barlows):-

1421, close up of AR953, colorized (2x barlows):-

3 frames failed mosaic, from 1423-1426, 2.5x corrector with extension tube:-

I packed up my stuff 1430 HKT due to the cloud, but then the sky cleared up again at around 1530, transparency is now around 6/10, seeing is 2-3/10, I did some CaK, white light and IR, with APM Herschel Wedge, Baader CaK and a generic 52mm IR pass filter:

1538, Borg 45ED II, APM Herschel Wedge, Baader CaK, full disc:-

1540, Tele Vue 2x barlows added:-

1542, removed the CaK and installed the ND3, white light:-

1543, added a IR Pass in the front, infrared:-

1552, close up of AR953 again, it changes rather rapidly:-

1556, close up of a prominence, SM40/BF10, 2x:-

Finally, this is how I take the above images:-

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