Saturday, November 16, 2019

20191116 Sun

Featureless, so I took no video of the sun.

Today drop frames became 99% and I even tried to replace that USB cable, but the problem was solved by adjusting the Turbo USB value, just don't know why.  Just for a record.

20191110-1111 Sunset Peak 大東山

This is not a stargazing trip but mainly for camping, I only got a DSLR plus a 24mm lens on a small tripod.

The moon was very bright, with a layer of thin haze.

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

20191105 Moon mosaic

I took 4 frames but it's more like 2.5 frame stitched together since most of them overlapped significantly.

Anyway, just a game.

Mosaic of 1305, 1307, 1308, 1309 (UT), taken by 85ED with 5x Powermate:

20190925 Jupiter

On shooting the moon tonight, I accidentally found a clip which was not processed.

I suspect that it couldn't be stacked with AS!3 so it was left untouched, tonight I re-do it again with Registax.  Despite it's much slower, it works.

Taken at 1212 UT, most probably taken with the 85ED plus a 5x Powermate:

Registax still has a place on stacking, otherwise not only useful for its wavelet.