Thursday, June 07, 2018

20180605 Jupiter

It has been a long time since I took image of Jupiter.

First two taken at 1550 (UT) with a ASI 120mm, first one processed by AutoStakkert 2 and the second one with AutoStakkert 3 with Drizzle 1.5x... I also carefully processed it further to enhance the contrast.

Next one taken at 1553 (UT) with a ASI 120mm, processed by AutoStakkert 3 with Drizzle 1.5x... I also carefully processed it further to enhance the contrast.

Last two taken at 1555 (UT) with a ASI 120mm, first one processed by AutoStakkert 2 and the second one with AutoStakkert 3 with Drizzle 1.5x... I also carefully processed it further to enhance the contrast.

I believe AutoStakkert 3 is better and I will use it afterward.

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