Friday, January 27, 2017

Polemaster and Sharpcap 2.9+

I went last night without any luck, the sky was too bad.

Tonight the sky seems a bit better, so I went again.  A nearby light polluted sky, with the polar region partially blocked.

Since I've tested with Polemaster software, and tonight I play with Sharpcap 2.9+.  If the automatic plate solving works, it's simpler for the Polemaster software requires manual pattern matching.

To my surprise, it works out very nicely!

Here's the screen shots of how it works... Plate solving success...

And then rotate along RA, success again... 

After polar alignment with Sharpcap, I proceed with the software of Polemaster and it works!   Confirmed the alignment.

And then I removed the polarscope caps, saw Polaris in the expected position!  I hope I could do some wide field imaging soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent post of "Polemaster and Sharpcap 2.9+"

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