Sunday, March 09, 2025

A pure visual session with Canon 18x50 IS

Transparency low with moon hanging up high.

Even Orion was not apparent, M45 was not detectable with naked eyes.

Scanning around and found M42, and then I could make out the Orion.

And then scanning in the direction of M45, done.

So many low earth orbit satallites, I could even see two of them at the same field of view.

With high magnification of IS binoculars, detail on the moon is great.  Mars is quite close to the moon, making a very nice view.

Friday, March 07, 2025

A new solar season

By new season, I mean the sun goes up high enough to clear the trees.

With reducer:

With 2x barlows:

At prime focus, two frames merged:

This is my new setup, actually, it was an old setup which left unused for quite sometime.  The new solar finder is effective, the mount could hold the setup rather easily despite the very windy condition.

Love this one, except somehow I want a hand controller for faster slewing.