Wednesday, October 26, 2022

2022 Oct 25 Partial Solar Eclipse

Result comes first: 

Poor seeing, windy and moving cloud.  Most H-alpha images taken were useless.

This is the most interesting shot taken accidentally, the eclipsed sun was captured by internal reflection of the camera lens:

A few snapshot of my setup:

Monday, October 10, 2022

2022 Oct 9 Hunter's Moon (2 hour late)

 Taken at around 22:50pm, Canon 100-400mm with 2x handheld, Canon 70D

Thin cloud, windy.

Monday, October 03, 2022

20221002 Short Observation: M31 and Jupiter

M31 taken with my mobile phone, Samsung S20+ 

Next up is Jupiter with my 80mm refractor, 5x powermate with my ASI

upper one higher gain with faster shutter, apparently more detail, faster shutter is better for freezing poor seeing.

lower one clean at lower gain with slower shutter, a bit over exposed.