Monday, November 30, 2020

2020/11/30 Sun again

 Working with my new monochromatic camera again.

0646 (UT):-

0650 (UT) with 2x barlows:

AR2786 is the biggest one.

Friday, November 27, 2020

20201127 Sun with new ASI 290mm

My new ASI 290mm arrived a couple of days ago, and this is the officially first light!

AR2785 and AR2786 come out on time to test my new gear, I have been doubting about my Solarmax filters, whether it's dying or rusting or not.  Before I sold them, I managed to capture this shot with the aperture partially blocked my the window frame.  

Not bad it seems.

The ASI 290mm has a smaller chip than that of the 120mm, even with the reducer in place, I could no longer capture full disc in a single shot, so I simply removed that reducer lens!

The visual view was stunning as well.

A few more shots pending, time to get back to work.

Monday, November 02, 2020

20201102 Solar session?

My ASI 120mm seems dying.

On plugging in, nothing shows up with only dropped frames.

Trying to plug in another computer, same thing.

Trying to plug in my ASI 120mc, everything works.... Going back to the first computer, no problem too.

Going back to an old monochromatic camera, Sharpcap no longer works with it.

Going back to the ASI 120mm, it works suddenly however the image quality was a bit strange.  Extremely poor seeing?  I dunno.

Shall try again next time.

Luckily,  nothing worth to record after checking visually.