Monday, July 16, 2018

20180716 Jupiter, experimental stacking of 5x and 2x

It is a very windy day, a typhoon will be passing by soon.  Expect very poor seeing but then it's rather decent at 6-7/10, nearly the best I can ever experience at home!  Transparency like 6/10, it's a very good night for me.

As usual, I used a 5x Powermate to capture two shots, drizzle is not used:

1304 (UT):-

1307 (UT):-

I didn't use my motorized focuser yet, because it's still being fine tuned.  Manual focusing is do-able with some more patience... the second shot was taken in attempt to improve the focus, but it seems similar.

Encouraged by the visual testing this afternoon, I pushed the 85ED again by inserting a 2x barlows after the 5x, which means f/60 at least, I estimate it to be f/66.7

1313 (UT):-

No more detail can be obtained over f/30 with the 5x Powermate alone.  Just an equipment test.

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