Sunday, November 26, 2023

20231125 Second trial Jupiter and moon, 85ED scope with 5x Powermate

 The tripod is inadequate for the 8" SCT, so I went back to the 85mm ED scope.

Focusing is still a bit hard, but not impossible, so the result is better than before.  Will keep trying...

20231124 Trying out a new mount

I got a iOptron HEM15, mounted on Meade 8" SCT on it but my tripod was not doing well.  In order to prevent it from tip over, I spreaded the leg but it introduces even more vibration.  Accurate focus is difficult if not impossible.

Just to keep the results, all out of focus apparently:

Shall try again soon, maybe try a smaller scope first, and then move to the 8" SCT again later when I got a better tripod.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

20231109 Moon Venus Occultation

A failed observation, very sad:

Some shots taken with my Canon 100-400mm:






Too bad that I missed the moment of the contacts.

20231108 Jupiter

 Carefully aligned the corrector again, recheck collimation, windy night but far better result.

I will certainly spent more time on exercising the technique.