This one is the mosaic for 840/841 instead, the last one is taken by pan and expand.
Welcome to my astronomy blog, I dedicate myself to the simplest form of amateur astronomy which requires only portable equipment. I have two small refractors, two small binoculars, one small GOTO mount and another small equatorial mount, and a small H-alpha solar filter. Originally from a city where the people were proud of their light pollution, that is Hong Kong where I loved. Relocated to the UK since 2021.
After the purchase of the 6.3mm Celestron Plossl, I've just observed with the C90 for once only and on that night, my two favorite planets were gone from the night sky. Therefore, I've only used 159X that the 6.3mm offered on the moon, while it's breath taking already for a relatively
new amateur like me.
Tonight, it's virtually the first observing session after the purchase of my Ranger. I always have an idea in my mind, and it is to use the 6.3mm with the barlow in my C90. I guess people always want to try higher power. With the 6.3mm with the Orion Shorty Barlow in the C90, I can get 317X which is far beyond the ability of the quality and the aperture of this small scope. The manual states that we can push it up to 210X, while I have no way to verify it. I've only a 12mm and it yield only 167X and the next step is 317X.
I tried the C90 on the Jupiter first. At 40X with the 25mm Celestron SMA, Jupiter is a little disc and all the Galileo Satellites are in the view. With more experience, I noticed that there're servere chromatic abberation. I guess the major source of this error, is from the eyepiece.I tried to use 83X with the 12mm Celestron SMA, I could see two cloud bands, but they were not as contrasty as in the Ranger (76X with 6.3mm Celestron Plossl). Central obstruction? Less perfect opticals? I guess both.
Next, I tried out the 12mm Celestron SMA with the barlow. It yields 167X, and the view was alright, but again, not as contrasty as that with the Ranger at similar magnifications. Later, I tried to use the 6.3mm with the barlow, i.e. 317X. Oh! I got a fuzzy disc of light. I just couldn't improve the view by turning the focusing barrel. I would say there're two reasons: first of all, the limit for this little scope is exceeded; second, the focusing mechanism is bad. Okay, at least now I know what's meant by "the image is broken", and how blurry the view can be, if the optics is pushed too much.
My next target was the Saturn. At 40X, the view is so nice. The ring was clearly visible, and I could see the gap between the ring and the little disc. Then I tried it at 83X, great! The disc is larger and things seem to be clearly. By pushing it higher to 167X, no more detail could be detected, while again at 317X, I couldn't even obtain a clear image.Now, I know that it takes better seeing to see if I could get 317X for the C90, however, I guess it's unlikely. Maybe I should proceed to use higher magnification on the Ranger, since Tele Vue tests each Ranger up to 300X, and people reported that they could push it up to 500X in good
night. My plan is to push the Ranger to 240X by purchasing a good 10mm eyepiece, with the 5X Tele Vue Powermate. One sad thing other than the confirmed fair optics of the C90 is that, I forgot to look at the Andromeda Galaxy, which was planned originally.
原來雙筒係咁難用既, 因為稀客們話肉眼望倒想睇既野, 但擺埋雙筒, 就立即迷失方向! 做壞人都要做一次, 惟有叫佢地用遠處既燈光 practise 一下先啦, 效果如何不得已知, 因為大家都忙於觀星, 找自己心入面想搵既野... 奈何月光太勁, 搵倒 M31 再教人搵, 都發覺有困難, 我估所有人都搵倒, 不過只係搵倒都唔覺得有乜特別... X(
突然想起, 要映下北極星附近既天區... 60s 曝光, 320mm (135mm equivalent), D 星都好似全部唔轉, 勁! 再試下同樣方法映仙后座附近既天區... 有人問我係咪流星黎喎! 仙后座都唔係距離北極星咁遠唧, 乜已經分別咁大!
等下等下, 乜有粒咁光既星呢! 我以為係獵戶膊頭, 原來唔係... 諗真 D? 土星呀朋友! 點肯定呢? 支 Ranger 剛拆左出黎讓支腳出黎 mount 11x70! 我決定手持! 15 倍已經睇倒有 area 啦, 仲唔係?! 一定係啦! 嘩, 想映土星好耐啦喎! 對唔住都要架啦, 11x70 要讓位喇! 32mm Plossl + 2x shorty barlow + Ranger + Casio QV2800... 好難對焦喎... 粒土星鬼咁快... 好唔開心, 因為超難映! 算喇, 搵個七姊妹星團大家睇下仲好, 起碼開心 D 丫嘛... 用個 zoom frame 到靚一靚先俾各位老細睇!
係喎, 點可以唔 show 土星俾各位稀客睇睇呢! 當然, 呢個差唔多可以話係全天最勁既天體, 絕對唔會令各位老細失望... 由 75x... 再推到 200x, 大家都睇過... 好野黎丫嘛! 不過去到 200x 其實無乜著數, 不過睇黎
人人都鐘意大, 唔鐘意細但 sharp D... 算, 有乜所謂, 最緊要開心丫嘛... 不過要上到 200 倍, 每次只可以一個人睇, 之後我又要 center 返, 再可以到一下個... 所幾辛苦, 但又好鬼開心!
大家都睇完之後, 各人有各人再睇星... 當然, 拿雙筒既方法, 大家都似乎掌握倒, 無咁震啦起馬... 但原來有人嫌雙筒睇倒太多星, 完全迷失方向喎... X(
我死唔斷氣, 再戰土星... 呢次定死 1/8 秒曝光, 對焦就用令到粒土星最光為止... 好似有 D 野喎! 放大睇下... 喂! 我映倒個環啦!!!! Yeah!!! 太興奮添... 諗起要 stacking, 立即唔使錢映多幾十張先... 一共映左 31 張, 其中有幾張用左唔同既 ISO settings... 相機睇都幾好, 不過粒土星都係細左少少...
搵個老細搵志光座丫... 衣架星團, 其實係... 志光哥好似搵唔返喎, 最後都係阿茂勁, 第一個搵倒, 之後志光哥教埋我再搵... 然後用 Ranger 睇, 好似無乜著數, 但勝在 mounted, 個個都可以睇丫嘛... 不過後來好>似都有稀客搵倒啦喎... 幾好丫!
一個出場係獵戶座, 好易認... 但個星雲就... 呢次實在太差啦... 費事介紹, 以免以為係廢物, 下次先啦...
木星始終未能趕及訓覺之前升高 D, 所以都係留返下次先...
今次發現基樑買左支 11x70 之外, 仲有一個非常正既旋轉星圖, 係我一直想買果個... 仲加左紅色小電筒, 簡真係完美配套...!
Bootup the machine and plug in the webcam, found some seeing problem already. Anyway, took some images.
This time, other than the 2x barlows I've been using, I stacked in the Zhi-tong barlows to get larger view... the seeing was bad anyway, just time to do experiment. The image formed was not bad at all. However, notice that I've the lens of the Zhi-tong barlows removed, so it's just acting as an extension tube!
At such high magnification, I noticed that the backlash value has been set too high for visual observation. I hate tunning backlash during imaging, but anyway, my ToUCam has been stucked up with dust and the dead dot, so, has to place the larger Jupiter more accurate in the use-able field. :P
Call an end to the imaging after a few cheap clips due to really poor seeing, remember Jupiter has sunk quite low?!
Before stopping, I realized that M44 was just a bit lower. Popped that 40mm in again trying to see it... the 40mm was bought for this kind of large object... oh... pink background, and only a few of the stars were revealed... alright, it's the first time I caught the whole M44 with my C8 I suppose... not sure it's because of the larger field of the 40mm, or it's because of the cloud which prune away some stars....
Cheap, but enjoyed! Who cares when you didn't even think it could observe!!!
In order to test my zoom, I insert my 5x Powermate to the optical chain. At 100x (24mm), the double split nicely. I dialled all the way to 8mm, refocus. Hey! The stars are separated by a huge gap of absolutely pitch black sky!!! Both stars show diffraction pattern nicely. You know, it's already 300x!!! The little 70mm aperture is showing at more than 100x per inch, I consider myself crazy!!! (Okay, I didn't try to stack my 2x barlows in) Of course, in this setting, the sharpness drops but the image still didn't break down.
I tested my Ranger with the 20mm Tele Vue Plossl as well, the Almach splits clearly during better seeing. Careful observation helps. With the zoom, it also splits at around 18 to 20mm.
I love my Ranger again. I love my zoom as well, it stands up well against the fixed power Tele Vue Plossl.