Spent more than half an hour to fine tune the collimation, found something strange on the out of focus pattern.
That irregularity on the 6 O' Clock location.
I captured 60s worth of frames this time, instead of 1000 frames.
30% frames stacked:
Welcome to my astronomy blog, I dedicate myself to the simplest form of amateur astronomy which requires only portable equipment. I have two small refractors, two small binoculars, one small GOTO mount and another small equatorial mount, and a small H-alpha solar filter. Originally from a city where the people were proud of their light pollution, that is Hong Kong where I loved. Relocated to the UK since 2021.
Spent more than half an hour to fine tune the collimation, found something strange on the out of focus pattern.
That irregularity on the 6 O' Clock location.
I captured 60s worth of frames this time, instead of 1000 frames.
30% frames stacked:
It's very windy, so no good image is possible, so it's just for fun.
The bigger CMOS is simple to use, with the flip mirror everything is quick and simple.
Jupiter first, it's higher in the sky.
Just for fun.
Stacked and processed two more shots:
Randomly asked my kids to see if they are interested in stargazing, and to my surprise they both said yes.
Forecast told that it's going to be cloudy, and cloud started rolling when we observe.
Before it was totally covered, we watched M45, M42, Betelgeuse, Mars (to see the colors) and finally Jupiter with the Galilean satellites.
Local folks shared that the number of clear nights were much reduced in 2024, and I got the same feeling as well.
With a new permant pillar in the back garden, I did imaging or observation whenever the sky was clear, with a few exceptions only. I'm still trying out and doing some exercise.
I've been trying out the Canon 200mm f2.8L with a new tiny guidescope and the result is nice. With the small CMOS chip, this lens performs exceptionally well wide open.
Next up is the Unbranded semi-APO 85mm with 500mm focal length scope, the chromatic abberation was quite well controlled. The Canon 200mm f2.8L was used as a guidescope.
Snow was an issue, I switched to use home electricity for more stable power. But then I was fearing about the wet from the snow or condensation in the cold weather. So far there were no problem but it does not mean it's safe.
Packing stuff inside was another issue. The very cold equipment from outside was attracting condensations when moved inside. I used a small fan to dry them but I need better solution.
Image processing software would be the next stuff, but then I really hate to spend time doing processing, not just about money.
Anyway, I have two consective clear nights in the beginning of 2025.
Happy new year to you all.
Using my Ranger with a reducer as the guidescope, piggybacking the Canon FD 300 f2.8 as the main scope.
M81, 180s x 20, -20 degree Celcius:
I've also taken some M45 and the double cluster.
Canon FD 300mm f2.8 self modified to EF mount, with my new ASI 533mc.
My first target was M33 but it was a bit too dim as a test target., so I turned to M31. Took around 120 shots of 60s exposure, medium gain, 0 degree Celcius cooled.
Stacked by ASI Air out of the box:
Adjusted using PS:
Polar aligned using the ASI air internal routine to acceptable level, one minute exposure was about maximum without guiding. I will be doing guiding shortly.
Weather so bad for a very long period of time, so it's the right time to buy a new toy.
It arrived this morning.
It requires 12V power supply to work, even without using the cooler.
It could do planet imaging, but then it would need to connect to a 12V power supply. The bigger chip should make centering the target much easier, I believe. ROI should increase the fps.
My solar charged battery won't work at 12V, insufficient power apparently, using the 220V output will work, however.
It comes with a 2" adapter, also with M42.
It comes with a 1.25" adapter which should be more than enough.
A narrow band filter is included as a bonus.
Can't wait to test it but the weather will not cooperate.
P.S.: I did test it again at night and it works with my solar charged battery.